
Cleans the cassette and degrades, liquefies gradually deposits of cellulose (toilet paper) and faecal organic matters presents in the cassette of W.C Neutralizes bad smells. Terminal fragrant function.

After an operation of draining, clean the tank with EUCANETANK and pour BIOWATER-GREEN and complete with some water.

For a tank of 10 litres capacity: pour 150 ml and add 1 à 2 litres of water.

For a cassette of 20 litres capacity: pour 300 ml and add 2 à 3 litres of water.

WELL SHAKE THE PRODUCT BEFORE USE : Additions of BIOWATER-C are to renew according to the frequency of use, the periodicity of drainings of the tank, the appearance of solidsdeposits, heap of toilet paper, bad smells and ambient temperature of the environment.

Noted: a rise of the ambient temperature may increase the proliferation of bad smells, it is then necessary to double the dose.

Cleans the cassette and degrades, liquefies gradually deposits of cellulose (toilet paper) and faecal organic matters presents in the cassette of W.C Neutralizes bad smells. Terminal fragrant function.

After an operation of draining, clean the tank with EUCANETANK and pour BIOWATER-GREEN and complete with some water.

For a tank of 10 litres capacity: pour 150 ml and add 1 à 2 litres of water.

For a cassette of 20 litres capacity: pour 300 ml and add 2 à 3 litres of water.

WELL SHAKE THE PRODUCT BEFORE USE : Additions of BIOWATER-C are to renew according to the frequency of use, the periodicity of drainings of the tank, the appearance of solidsdeposits, heap of toilet paper, bad smells and ambient temperature of the environment.

Noted: a rise of the ambient temperature may increase the proliferation of bad smells, it is then necessary to double the dose.


  • Bidon 5L
  • bidon 2 litres

Prix de vente conseillé 19,90 €