
Concentrated enzymatic shampoo for bodywork. Strong wetting capacity and degreasing power, RAPID and effective action to degrade naturally dirts. Does not leave any trace deposits, nor any marks on the paintwork or fiberglass. 

Must be diluted before use : 100ml of shampoo for 5 litres of water. Apply with a sponge or a soft brush. Let act 5 minutes. Rub and rinse.


Concentrated enzymatic shampoo for bodywork. Strong wetting capacity and degreasing power, RAPID and effective action to degrade naturally dirts. Does not leave any trace deposits, nor any marks on the paintwork or fiberglass. 

Must be diluted before use : 100ml of shampoo for 5 litres of water. Apply with a sponge or a soft brush. Let act 5 minutes. Rub and rinse.

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  • Bidon 5L
  • Bidon 1L

Prix de vente conseillé 62,60 €