
Polish containing P.T.E.F. The P.T.E.F. is a resin, which has a very low coefficient of friction. The application on the bodywork of a film of P.T.E.F. makes it possible to decrease the friction and the wear and tear on the polyester and paint. The P.T.E.F. makes it possible to reduce the matter loss due to the demonstrations of friction of water, sand and dust  on the polyester or paint. Leaves a brilliant film. 

Well shake before use. Apply on a dry and clean surface nonexposed to the sun. Work by small surfaces by taking care to spread out the polish with a nonfluffy soft rag. Rub in a circular motions. 

Let dry a few minutes. Will quickly dry to a haze. Wipe off haze using another clean, dry cloth. 


Polish containing P.T.E.F. The P.T.E.F. is a resin, which has a very low coefficient of friction. The application on the bodywork of a film of P.T.E.F. makes it possible to decrease the friction and the wear and tear on the polyester and paint. The P.T.E.F. makes it possible to reduce the matter loss due to the demonstrations of friction of water, sand and dust  on the polyester or paint. Leaves a brilliant film. 

Well shake before use. Apply on a dry and clean surface nonexposed to the sun. Work by small surfaces by taking care to spread out the polish with a nonfluffy soft rag. Rub in a circular motions. 

Let dry a few minutes. Will quickly dry to a haze. Wipe off haze using another clean, dry cloth. 

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  • flacon 500 ml

Prix de vente conseillé 27,90 €

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